The PenCraft Book Awards’ Competition is an annual event with the purpose to help foster the promotion of new authors and books to the reading public. Monetary awards are given to the top three winning authors. The PenCraft Book Award Dinner and Ceremony is a celebration of the literary excellence of the previous years' winning authors. The event is held at different locations each year.
The PenCraft Book Awards was founded in 2016. Many book contests require that you are published only by certain publishers, or that you belong to specific organizations. The PenCraft Book Award competition doesn’t have those unfriendly and restrictive requirements. The contest is an equal opportunity competition. Some ask, what is the point of entering a book contest, here are a few of the reasons:
Editor in chief
Editor in chief
David Hearne is the editorial director of — an online book competition site that he desires to become the best book competition site for authors and publishers. With your help the PenCraft Book Award will be one of the best recognized literary awards given to authors and publishers. David has been writing books and articles since 1990 when his first book “Enable Command Performance,” was published by Key Computer Publications. Since then he has had four other books published and has written articles for Computer Currents, Computer Language, Connected, Midnight Engineering and other publications. He has won numerous awards from the Southeast Texas Press Club, and his books have been award-winning. His last book, “June 17, 1967 – Battle of Xom II” won 1st place in the non-fiction war genre from the “Texas Association of Authors.”
Partner, advertising manager and Social Media Director for
Voting MemberMark Wulf is a voting member of the National Book Critics Circle and an avid book reader. He is a participant in the Little Free library community and constantly donates new books to it. Mark is also the president of Wulf Group LLC, Director of SW Electric Supply Inc., and its subsidiaries G&B Marine, G&B Online, and Winning Design. He is also an Eagle Scout and values giving back to the community. One of the ways Mark gives back to the community is to serve on the Committee for BSA's Troop 122 in Beaumont, Texas, and also serves as a member of the District Eagle Review Board for Three Rivers Council. He enjoys backpacking, camping, and fishing. His rule and often advice to others is "choose adventure over comfort."
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